Parent Family Engagement Plan

Coffee County School System

Hickerson Elementary School

Parent and Family Engagement Plan

2020 - 2021


Hickerson School endorses the concept that parent and family engagement in the affairs of schools is essential if the school system and parents are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for all students.  It therefore will exert efforts to identify the desires of parents and to be responsible through its actions, to those desires.

The Hickerson School faculty and staff encourages and has established expectations for the involvement of parents, both as individuals and as groups, to act as advisors and resource people in the following ways:

  1.  With specific talents to complement and extend the instructional services of the classroom teacher;
  2. To serve as advisors on curriculum development projects;
  3. To express ideas and concerns by responding to surveys and other information gathering devices;
  4. Be actively involved in parent-teacher groups; and
  5. Serve on citizens’ advisory committees.

To ensure parents of participating children have an adequate opportunity to participate in planning, designing and implementing of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan, the school shall:

  1.  Parents are notified of the policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language the parents can understand.  A Title I informational meeting will be held before parent-teacher conferences in the fall.  Handouts will be provided.


  1.  Convene an annual meeting during the fall semester, inviting all parents/guardians to explain the program, its requirements, activities, and parental rights available under Title I.  Invitations via local radio, newspaper, website, and personal calendars sent home with students.


  1. The school will hold an annual parent meeting to inform parents about the school’s parental involvement programs and rights of parents to be involved.


  1. Provide opportunities for regular and flexible meetings with parents to formulate parental input into the program.  Opportunities are as follows:
  • Annual Parent Teacher Conferences (2:00 P.M-8:00 P.M.)
  • Individual conferences before, during, and after school relating to the child’s education.
  • Make-up meetings as requested by parents are held in the morning, afternoon, or per phone calls.
  • Parent Advisory Committee meetings
  1.  Annually assess, in an organized, ongoing and timely way, the effectiveness of the parent and family engagement program and determine what actions need to be taken, if any, to increase parental participation.


  1. Organized, systematic, ongoing, informed and timely consultation/information in the planning, review, and improvement of parent involvement to decisions about the program:
  • Newsletters
  •  PTO meetings
  • Monthly calendar of events
  • School wide memos
  • Monthly PTO executive meetings
  • Publication of school profile
  • Updated school website
  • Title I parent survey
  • School agendas with policies, procedures, requirements, important dates, grading scale, homework assignments, daily review and signature of parent required.


  1.  Provide parents a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, forms of academic assessment, and expected proficiency levels via beginning of the year “Parent Memo”, parent letters throughout the year, and district website linking state standards.


  1. Provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request;
  •  PTO meetings
  • Parent teacher conferences
  • Informational meeting
  • PTO parent request forms
  • IEP meetings
  • ePlan meetings



  1.  A process is in place to submit parent comments on the school wide program (ePlan) if it is not satisfactory to the parents when the school makes the plan available to the district/LEA.  This is located in the Parent Involvement component of the ePlan.


  1. Regularly provide parents reports and explanations of their child’s progress.
  • Mid-term progress reports
  • Daily agenda
  • Nine week report card
  • Individual teacher reports
  • Phone calls
  • Website


  1.  Provide the opportunity for a parent/teacher conference with the parents of each child to discuss the child’s progress, placement, and training in methods the parents can use to complement the child’s instruction.
  • Grade-level informational newsletter
  • Informational materials on literacy
  • Informational pamphlets on various subjects


  1.  Staff and parents will work together as equal partners to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and the school.


  • PTO newsletters
  • Parent/teacher conferences
  • School newsletters
  • Teacher webpage
  • Teacher email
  • Backpack Program (program provided through Rutledge Falls Baptist Church)


  1.  Coordinate, to the extent possible, parental involvement activities and strategies under other programs
  • Preschool
  • After School Program


  1.  Ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents in a language the parents can understand.
  • PTO meetings and newsletters
  • Student agenda
  • Newsletters in Spanish if needed
  • Website



  1. Provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences at parent request
  • PTO meetings
  • After School Program


  1. Schools shall provide, to the extent practicable, full opportunities for parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, through informational sheets in Spanish, ESL teacher available if needed.  


Parents who are unsatisfied with the school program need to submit, in writing, comments to the principal.  Comments will be forwarded to the district office at the designated time of plan submission.