Student Handbook
Hickerson Elementary
TN STEM Designated School
5017 Old Manchester Hwy Tullahoma, TN 37388
Telephone: 931-455-9576 Fax: 931-455-3758
Follow us on Twitter: @HickersonSchool
Welcome to the Hickerson Family,
We are so glad you are joining our Hickerson family. At Hickerson, we have a goal to equip our students with the necessary tools to become successful in the college or career of their choice. We believe students need a foundation of 21st-century skills along with reading on grade level and problem-solving through real-world applications. Hickerson’s environment is constructed in a way to help students feel comfortable taking risks, be creative, and persevere through academic challenges. Your child will grow socially, emotionally, and academically through the years at Hickerson. Here is a list of innovative events that take place to help students be successful.
Tennessee STEM Designated School: In 2019, our school earned designation as a STEM school from the Tennessee Department of Education. To earn the designation, we had to complete a rigorous application process. Our school submitted a digital application, was interviewed by Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN), and provided evidence of STEM implementation.
Project-Based Learning (PBLs): We integrate all subjects together in one learning unit and help students incorporate engineering and technology into their daily instruction. Students experience these learning units throughout the school year. Students also learn and use the engineering design process to show mastery of state-level standards.
Technology: Our students use technology daily throughout the school year. We believe technology is a tool that can be used to help students show their understanding of state standards. Currently, our school is at a one-to-one implementation with Chromebooks and iPads. We also offer students to experience robotics through our Lego League and with the coding of Spheros. Our school also has three 3D printers that are used for in-class projects. Teachers also use ViewSonic (touchscreen panels) to help keep students engaged in lessons.
Fantastic Fridays: Periodically throughout the school year, your student will participate in Fantastic Fridays. These Fridays are used for students to spend the day with various community partners that relate to the PBLs.
STEM Nights: A couple of times a year we hold a STEM night that incorporates different community businesses and allows for families to learn about how STEM is used in that career. These nights are a huge success for students and family members.
At Hickerson Elementary, we pride ourselves on our family atmosphere and supportive culture for student success. Parent involvement is encouraged throughout the entire elementary experience. We appreciate your continued support and interest in the education of our future leaders. If you would like more information or to schedule a school tour, please contact the school at 931-455-9576.
The Hickerson Faculty, Staff, and Principal
Vision & Mission Statements
“At Hickerson STEM Designated School, we have a united vision that all families will be engaged with the school community and students will become Career Ready.”
“The mission of Hickerson STEM Designated School is for children to master academic skills, accept responsibility, develop respect and demonstrate resourcefulness in preparation for the middle school years.”
Our Beliefs
All Students can learn. All students are expected to productively struggle with the content in their grade level.
Teaching strategies should accommodate varied learning styles, give students the opportunity to be creative, and become problem solvers.
We should have a safe and orderly environment for students and staff.
Parent involvement is essential to an effective school. Communication between parents and teachers will be actively encouraged through parent-teacher conferences, written and oral communication, and an active parent-teacher organization.
The curriculum will cover the subject matter required for mastery of the skills mandated by the state for each grade level. Students will be expected to show mastery of these grade-level skills through the daily and end of unit assessments throughout the school year.
Student Awards
Quarterly awards are given for the following:
Grades K-5:
Perfect Attendance
Good Citizenship
Hero Awards
Subject Awards
Honor Roll Awards.
Grades 3-5: There are three levels of the honor roll and they are recognized in the following manner:
Gold Honor Roll (All A’s);
Silver Honor Roll (All A’s with only one B);
Bronze Honor Roll (All A’s & B’s).
Students making the honor roll, having perfect attendance, great citizenship, or other achievements will be recognized at school during our academic pep rallies. These are conducted at the end of each nine weeks grading period.
General School Information & Policies
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement. Excessive absences, unexcused tardies, and unexcused early checkouts will result in Attendance Committee Meetings and possibly a court appearance.
Since Coffee County Schools do Not provide early morning student care before 7:00 AM. Under no circumstances may students enter the building before 7:00 AM. Students let out prior to 7 AM will not be supervised and are not allowed in the building until 7 AM.
Students will enter the gym each morning, sit with their class, go to breakfast (if appropriate), and then be picked up by their classroom teacher by 7:45.
Students who miss an excessive amount of school days may be required to attend summer camp.
Students NOT in school by 7:50 a.m. will be counted tardy.
Parents/guardians must accompany their child into the office and sign in if they are arriving at school after 7:50 AM.
3 unexcused absences will result in coming to school to have an attendance meeting with the administration to complete an attendance contract.
Students will have 5 days from returning to school to make up missing assignments. If assignments are not made up during those 5 days they will be required to stay for after-school detention to complete the assignments.
5 or more unexcused absences will result in a Truancy Board Hearing.
To avoid truancy, please send in attendance notes ASAP (preferably no later than 3 days after returning to school).
The Coffee County School System believes attendance is essential for student achievement and success;
therefore, students are expected and encouraged to be present each day school is in session. Also, under
the federal guidelines of “No Child Left Behind,” attendance is considered a key accountability factor.
Coffee County Schools’ Board Policy 6.200 Attendance
is in compliance with Tennessee Law.
Coffee County Schools’ Attendance Procedures
All excused absences must be covered with a parent, doctor, or legal note.
Only 5 (five) days annually may be excused by parent note(s).
The student must produce a written excuse stating the date(s) of absence, the reason for being absent, and the signature of the parent/guardian, physician, or court official upon returning to school. A parent note must also include a phone number at which the parent can be reached.
Even though a parent may phone the school or contact the teacher, a written excuse must be sent to the school.
Please note, if your child has an appointment during a school day, he/she will be expected to attend school until he/she must be checked out for the appointment and then return to school after the appointment.
*** Please note that Administration will be the ones dealing with attendance. It is polite to let your child’s teacher know if your child will be absent, but administration will determine excused and unexcused absences.
Parents may request homebound instruction (contact the Director of Health Services at 931- 723-5150) in cases where a student has a medical condition that may result in an absence of more than ten (10) consecutive days. A written order from the treating physician will be required and once the order is filed with the Director of Health Services the case will be reviewed for eligibility. Homebound students will receive three (3) hours of academic instruction per week. During the period of homebound, the student is required to remain at home unless he/she is visiting their doctor. Students are not allowed to maintain jobs, participate in extracurricular activities or be away from their homes during or after school hours (Sunday – Saturday). Before the student will be allowed to return to school a release from the treating physician will be required.
State Truancy Definition
Once a student has missed five (5) days of school without a proper excuse a student is considered to be truant.
Tennessee Attendance Law
Under Tennessee law (TCA§ 49-6-3009) any parent, guardian, or any other person having control of a child or children who violates the provisions under the Tennessee compulsory attendance law commits a Class C misdemeanor. For each day the child or children have missed school without the proper excuse a parent may be fined fifty ($50.00) or thirty (30) days in jail for each separate day of unexcused absence. Court costs will also be assessed against the parent case.
Once a student has missed five (5) days of school without a proper excuse, under Tennessee Law (TCA§ 49-6-3007) a written notice will be sent to the parent or guardian of the student. After receipt of the notice, the student and parent must comply within a three (3) day period. The student must report to school (be in attendance) and the parent/guardian must contact the school.
If the student is found to be guilty of truancy the judge may assess a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) or five (5) hours of community service against the student/parents or legal guardian of children in grades kindergarten through twelve (K-12). A court cost will also be assessed in each case.
Local Action
If attendance does not improve after the written notice parent and/or students may be required to appear before an attendance committee, truancy board, or the juvenile court. If a parent fails to report or appear before a scheduled attendance committee or truancy board meeting the administration may deem a petition to juvenile court necessary. In cases of students with prior attendance problems or a prior juvenile court record, the administration may take immediate court action against the student and/or parent.
Accidents should be reported immediately to the nurse on duty.
The staff member will complete an accident report form and the nurse and parents will be contacted.
Current work or home phone numbers are required for each child.
$1.25 per meal
Students may buy breakfast in the cafeteria beginning at 7:00 AM.
Car riders eating breakfast should arrive no later than 7:30 AM.
Breakfast will stop being served at 7:40.
The free/reduced meal plan is available for breakfast.
Board policy does not allow us to let students charge for breakfast.
$2.25 per meal
Lunch is served in the cafeteria.
The free/reduced meal plan is available for lunch.
Charges may be made on a limited basis. See the cafeteria manager for details.
Parents will be invited to come to eat lunch on holiday meal days. Your child’s grade level will be assigned a holiday in which parents can sign up to attend. A letter will be sent home prior to each holiday stating which grade level will be participating at that time.
Please do not bring food from restaurants (Sonic, McDonald’s, etc.) for your child to eat at their lunchtime.
Coffee County Schools Food Service Charge Policy
In elementary schools, up to ten days of lunches may be charged.
No a la carte items, such as cookies or ice cream, may be charged at any time.
No a la carte items can be purchased until the student has paid off the meal charges on their account.
When five (5) charges have been made, the cafeteria manager will contact the parent by phone or letter to request payment.
Alternative meals will be provided to students with excess charges. No child will be denied a meal.
Emergency/Enrollment Card Information
Be sure that the school office has current address and telephone numbers.
A current phone number must be on file and will ensure you of an immediate contact in case of an emergency.
Emergency Closing Procedures
Please discuss with your child, in advance, the plan that you have in the event that school is closed early.
Should school close early, buses will run early.
Please make sure you are signed up for Class Dojo with Hickerson and Notify me through Coffee County Schools.
For information regarding school closing, listen to the Nashville TV stations or our local radio stations: Fantasy 101.5 FM and WMSR 1320 AM.
Students needing medication while at school must have a statement of permission signed by the parent AND a statement from the doctor with directions for administering the medications.
Permission forms are available in the office.
A labeled bottle with student’s name, original prescription label and current date is required and must be kept locked by school personnel.
Medication will not be sent home with the student at the beginning of a holiday or at the end of the school year. An adult must come by and take the medicine home.
A parent or guardian will need to bring non-prescription medicine (tums, cough drops, etc.). A parent note needs to be with the medication giving permission to the nurse to administer the medicine.
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Report cards are issued every 9 weeks for grades K-5.
Parent-teacher conferences are held in September, and parents can request a conference at any time.
Teachers will issue mid-term progress reports during each nine week period.
2022-2023 Dates
Progress Reports: Report Cards:
Q1 Sept 1 Q1 Oct 20
Q2 Nov 3 Q2 Jan 19
Q3 Feb 2 Q3 Mar 23
Q4 Apr 20 Q4 May 26
School Dismissal
Car riders will be dismissed in the rear of the new wing at 3:00 PM.
All car riders will be picked up at the rear of the building and must be picked no later than 3:15 PM.
Students may not be picked up between 2:15 PM and 3:00 PM in front of the building.
All visitors MUST enter through the front door, report to the office to sign in, and receive a visitor’s badge.
Students and teachers should not be interrupted during the instructional day except for emergencies or preplanned events.
Communications to students and teachers should be handled through the office or Class Dojo.
For the safety of our students, all visitors, parents and school personnel shall enter the building at the Main Entrance in the front of the building. Entering the building at another entrance must be arranged and approved in advance of the visit.
Homeless Students
Homeless Children & Youth Have the Right to a Free, Appropriate Public Education
Who is homeless?
Anyone who, due to a lack of housing lives:
In emergency or transitional shelters.
In motels, hotels, trailer parks, campgrounds, abandoned in hospitals, or awaiting foster care.
In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings.
Doubled up with relatives or friends.
Migratory children living in these conditions.
Where can homeless children and youth attend school?
The school the children attended before becoming homeless or was last enrolled in (school of origin).
The school in the attendance area where the child or youth is temporarily living.
How can delays be avoided when enrolling a homeless child or youth in school?
Homeless children must be enrolled immediately.
If school records are unavailable, ask that the records be sent electronically or shared over the phone.
Ask that a student’s immunization record be transferred over the phone from the sending school to the receiving school. Exceptions, in the absence of an epidemic or immediate threat thereof, will be granted to any child whose parent or guardian shall file with school authorities a signed, written statement that such measures conflict with his/her religious tenets and practices; or due to medical reasons if such child has a written statement from his/her doctor excusing him from such immunization. Proof of exceptions will be in writing and filed in the same manner as other immunization records.
Contact your school district, principal, counselor, or local homeless education liaison with any concerns.
Asbestos Information
In accordance with Federal Regulation 40 CFR 736, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), Coffee County Schools have undergone a thorough inspection of asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) within our schools. The results have been compiled in a series of documents referred to as our Management Plan. The results of the inspections and management plan have been submitted to the Governor's appointed representative as required by law and prior to the designated deadline. The Management Plan is available for your review, upon request, at each school and the Director of Schools Administrative Office during regular office hours. The management plan includes information about previous asbestos abatement projects, ACBM and the response action chosen for each.
Address any questions concerning asbestos in the Coffee County Schools to Kelvin Shores, Deputy Director of Schools, at 723-5150.
Student Behavior Expectations
Making Right Choices
The faculty and staff of Hickerson STEM Designated School are proud of our learning atmosphere. Teachers, staff, and parents/guardians can encourage good and respectful behavior both at school, on the bus, and at home. One of the basic concepts is that discipline needs to be taught each day. Children will have many opportunities to practice exactly what to do: speaking softly, moving quietly around the classroom, using polite manners, putting away materials, going through the lunch line, how to clean out their desks, etc. Children make choices every minute of their lives. With those choices made at school will come positive or negative consequences that are consistent and realistic.
Daily Discipline
All classroom teachers have a ClassDojo account set up so that students and parents are made aware of the student’s choices throughout the day. Teachers are able to positively reinforce good behavior and are able to show when negative consequences take place during the school day. We highly encourage all of our parents to sign up for ClassDojo so that communication about student actions is immediate. The ClassDojo app is free and allows for parents to immediately see when your child is making the right choices here at school. For more information, please see your child’s classroom teacher.
3rd-5th grades will also have agenda books. Teachers may put discipline notes or general notes to the parent in there. Make sure you are checking the agenda daily.
Positive Consequences
Positive consequences include the feeling of accomplishment and pride from choosing wisely, praise from school personnel, and earning stamps and stickers that can be used to purchase items from the treasure box in each classroom. In addition to the rewards given in each classroom, each nine-week period we celebrate Right Choice Awards and school wide rewards. Students having a citizenship grade of 100 will participate in the quarterly awards and be placed on the Citizenship Honor Roll. Students who have maintained a 97 or higher will participate in the end of the year school wide reward.
A Sample List of Behaviors that earn Rewards
Using good manners
Honesty, telling the truth.
Good citizenship.
Following directions the first time they are given.
Keeping hands and feet to yourself.
Treating others like you want to be treated.
Making Right Choices
Getting homework finished on time.
Paying attention in class.
Being cooperative with faculty & staff.
Obeying school rules in cafeteria, classroom, playground, hallways, and bus.
Note: These are only samples. See individual teachers for a complete classroom list.
Negative Consequences
We believe all students can behave appropriately but when bad choices are made there are negative consequences. These may include but are not limited to warning, points from citizenship grade, note or phone call to parent/guardian, loss of privileges, conference with the principal, detention, etc. These consequences usually deter future bad choices. If necessary severe behavior will result in severe consequences including school probation, additional age appropriate physical or written work, in-school suspension, assignment to behavior modification class, corporal punishment, suspension from school, juvenile court, or expulsion. These are at the discretion of the Principal per Coffee County Board of Education Behavior Code.
Unacceptable Behaviors Result in Negative Consequences
Minor Infractions: ClassDojo Negative Points are deducted by the classroom teacher and a Dojo Message to the parent. If the parent does not respond the teacher will make phone calls home.
1st Offense 2 or more
Failure to follow classroom rules 1 3
i.e. Talking without permission, not prepared for class, getting out
seat without permission, etc. 1 3
Failure to keep hands, feet and objects to yourself 1 3
Failure to follow directions of faculty or staff 1 3
Teasing, name-calling, gossiping, spreading or starting rumors 1 3
Intentionally embarrassing or humiliating another student 1 3
Major Infractions: 3 to 5 ClassDojo Negative Points and a phone call to the parent
Non-physical Violence: Cursing, using profanity, or obscene gestures
Stealing, failure to tell the truth
Major Infractions that result in an office visit: Student will lose 5 Dojo Points and administrator will call the parent
Physical Violence: Fighting, pushing, shoving, slapping, pinching
Scratching, biting, kicking, or tripping.
Racial or religious insults
Smoking, Vaping, or having illegal substances
Repeated Major Infractions may result in Parental Conference, detention, or suspension
More severe behaviors may result in in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or unruly charges filed in court.
Citizenship Grades shall be lowered 1 point for every demerit/ClassDojo negative point received.
According to The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, bullying is defined as the following: “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.” The consequences for bullying are as follows:
1st Offense:
Answer 5 questions below and lose 5 citizenship points.
What choice or choices did you make? Were these negative or positive choices?
How did these choices affect others around me?
How do you think the other person felt?
How can I change my choices to make this situation better?
Is there something you need from your teacher/counselor/principal to help you make better choices?
This will go home for a parent signature and must be returned.
2nd Offense:
All of the above and one day in In School Suspension (ISS).
Any further offenses that occur will result in a more severe consequence that is determined by the Hickerson Behavior School Committee.
Zero Tolerance Offenses
Coffee County Schools are zero tolerance schools. Possession of alcohol, drugs, or weapons on school grounds is considered a zero tolerance offense and may result in assignment to After School Detention, Out of School Suspension or students being expelled for a minimum of 1 year.
After-School Detention (ASD) for Academics and/or Behavior
ASD Policies and Procedures
All parents/guardians will be notified in writing no later than Tuesday afternoon prior to detention on the following Thursday.
Students who fail to take detention notices home for parent’s signature will be assigned additional detention time.
If a student does not cooperate, then an additional after school detention day will be assigned.
If a student misses the assigned detention date without a doctor’s statement or prior arrangements with the Principal, he/she will be assigned an additional day of detention.
Continual disregard of detention may result in more harsh disciplinary actions which may include but are not limited to: Out-of-School Suspension.
Parents, if transportation is a problem on the detention day assigned, please call the office a day in advance to arrange another date.
AD-Academic Detention
Academic Detention will be assigned to students who consistently miss homework assignments, or have not turned in makeup work after 5 days. These students will work on the assignments they are lacking.
The administration will assign academic detention as needed.
Hawk Zones
In order to make Hickerson a more efficient learning environment, all areas of the school will become HAWK ZONES. The areas will be given a number 0-3 that tells students the noise level that is appropriate for each zone.
HAWK ZONE 0 - No talking Includes: Hallways, detention, during morning announcements and cafeteria serving line
HAWK ZONE 1 - Soft voices Includes: Library, cafeteria, and restrooms
HAWK ZONE 2 - Conversational voices Includes: Classrooms, office, gym, and workroom
HAWK ZONE 3 - As loud as you want to be Includes: Outside and recess
Cafeteria Rules
Enter and exit quietly
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
While eating--HAWK ZONE 1
Stay in your seat, raise your hand to get permission to get up
Do not share or throw food
Keep the area around you clean
Be polite and courteous to everyone in the cafeteria
When the lights are turned off, No Talking is allowed.
Hickerson Playground Rules
Slow down to walk when close to the equipment.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Snacks and drinks are only allowed in the picnic area or on grass.
Shrieking is not on the Hawk Zone scale unless there is an emergency.
Take turns.
Use playground equipment correctly:
Go down the slides on your bottom, facing forward.
Swing on your bottom, back and forth. Do not swing side-to-side.
Only one person on each swing or slide at a time.
Do not climb on top of the monkey bars or hang upside down.
The equipment is not for jumping.
Stand clear of the swings while others are swinging.
Keep the area directly in front of the slides clear.
Stay away from the wet area.
The track is your boundary. Do not get out of bounds.
The playground equipment area is a ball-free zone.
Students are to be respectful and include other students in team play.
Games may not be closed or locked.
Bullying must be reported to an adult.
Use appropriate language and kind words.
No Radios, electronic games, CD players, Cell phones etc.
Radios, CD headsets, handheld games, and any other electronic devices are not permitted at school.
No items such as trading cards, action figures, cars, or other toys, etc., are to be traded, sold, or rented at schools.
Toys are not to be brought to school without permission from the teacher.
Cell phones are to be kept off and in backpacks unless permission to use them is granted by the principal.
These items will be taken up and held in the office for a parental pick-up.
School Clothing Standards
The administration reserves the right to make discretionary judgments regarding the dress code at any time.
Clothing - Clothing must be fitted and should not be revealing.
Imprints, Patches, and Logos
Any of these that are objectionable are prohibited.
This includes but is not limited to suggestive or profane words and quotations, alcohol, drug or tobacco related emblems (including Winston Cup) and any other objectionable material as determined by school officials.
Hats, Caps, Scarves and Sunglasses
No headgear or sunglasses may be worn inside the school building unless approved by a doctor.
Please wear tennis shoes on gym days.
Anything that distracts learning or becomes disruptive will result in the student being asked to remove/replace the distraction.
The School is a community, and the rules and regulations of Hickerson Elementary STEM Designated School are the laws of the community. Each of us enjoys the rights of citizenship in the school, but we must accept the responsibility for appropriate behavior in and out of school.
1343 McArthur Street
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
Telephone - 931-723-5150 Facsimile - 931-723-8285
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day the Coffee County School System receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the Coffee County School System to amend a record should write the school principal [or appropriate school official], clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel) or a person serving on the school board. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the school who performs an institutional service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist; a parent or student volunteering to serve on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer. [NOTE: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent or student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.]
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Coffee County School System to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 require school districts to have officially adopted policy statements of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex, handicap, national origin and race.
“It is the policy of the Coffee County School system not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, age, marital status, religion or disability in its educational programs, extra-curricular activities or employment as prohibited by Titles VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, Rights Act and any other Federal and/or
State Civil Rights laws.
It is also the policy of this district that the curriculum materials utilized reflect the cultural and racial diversity present in the United States and the variety of careers, roles, and lifestyles open to women as well as men in our society. One of the objectives of the total curriculum and teaching strategies is to reduce stereotyping and to eliminate bias on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion, and disability. The curriculum should foster respect and appreciation for the cultural diversity found in our country and an awareness of the rights, duties, and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a pluralistic society.”
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 may be directed to:
Kelvin Shores, Deputy Director of Schools
Coffee County Board of Education
1343 McArthur Street
Manchester, TN 37355
Phone: 723-5150
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018
The Coffee County School System (CCSS) provides students with access to computers, network systems, and other technology equipment so that teachers may use these tools as part of the instructional process. Teachers or approved CCSS representatives are responsible for providing educationally relevant lessons, supervision, and instruction to help students get the most benefit from available technology resources. Students are responsible for using the systems in a manner consistent with the goals of the school system and to be respectful of other Users as well as adhere to the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)] and Tennessee Department of Education requirements as stated in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-1-221. In general, students are permitted to use technology resources for educational purposes with the permission and guidance of a supervising CCSS staff member or approved CCSS representative provided the guidelines and restrictions herein set forth are followed.
Technology equipment provided by the schools are the property of CCSS and is intended to be used by teachers, staff and students for educational purposes consistent with the goals of the school district. To maintain efficient functionality of the equipment and to ensure its appropriate use, the district reserves the right to monitor all network traffic, search all files stored on district-owned systems and to take such action as necessary to assure that system resources are available for their intended purposes. Therefore, students should have no expectation of privacy when using school networks or technology equipment. Additionally, students may not store personal files or data, install or remove software, modify system settings, or otherwise alter existing systems without the express approval of a supervising CCSS teacher or approved CCSS representative.
School computer systems exist in a networked environment that is designed with safeguards to ensure its dependability but which also relies on the goodwill of its users. Students who disrupt or compromise system resources by altering the network infrastructure or settings, attempting to acquire or use the login credentials of other users, introducing resource-draining applications, monitoring the network traffic of other Users, bypassing existing security restrictions, or otherwise compromise the integrity of the network will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension, expulsion, and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
The CCSS provides Internet access to every school and should only be used for instructional and administrative purposes. In providing this access, the CCSS attempts to limit the availability of web content that is inappropriate for students in the school environment. While these restrictions are typically sufficient to protect the innocent, it is impossible to completely prevent students from accessing inappropriate material. Therefore, all students are responsible for using the Internet in an appropriate manner and are permitted access only through the school's filtered Internet service. Students are permitted to access the Internet only with a signed technology use agreement form and the permission of a supervising CCSS staff member or approved CCSS representative. Students who attempt to circumvent the filter system by either software or use of websites, access inappropriate Internet services or publish inappropriate content, or assist others in accessing or publishing such content or services, are subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
Inappropriate uses of the CCSS network include, but are not limited to:
Use of network for commercial purposes (Buying and selling for personal gain)
Harassment, insulting, defaming or attacking others (Cyber Bullying)
Violating Copyright Laws
Illegal Activities
Hacking or obtaining access to unauthorized systems
Obscene Language
Trespassing in other’s files or folders
Using another persons identity or password to access the network
Damaging or modifying computer systems without permission from CCSS Tech Department
Use of VPNs, Proxies, or other Remote Access Programs
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018 (pg2)
Even though CCSS blocks certain sites, the faculty and staff are expected to diligently monitor students’ computer and Internet usage. CCSS runs filtering software as required by CIPA(Childhood Internet Protection Act) and TN Senate Bill No. 3702 (49-1-221). I also understand that CCSS provides robust digital resources for classroom instruction that have been found to meet the Federal Trade Commissions’ (FTC) regulations in regard to the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Some of these resources may require student login credentials. At no time should a student log in and use an account other than the one that have been assigned for any particular service. The District technology staff has the right to remove any unauthorized or unlicensed software, restrict the use/listening /watching of streaming media to preserve District bandwidth and the district will restrict the use of games for staff and students with the exception of educational software that have been approved by the district.
Students may be issued a student email account. All student email accounts are accessible at any time by approved CCSS staff. Any abuse of the service (bullying, profanity and other violations of stated by this AUP) may result in the student’s access of the service removed and are subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
Students are not allowed to participate in chat rooms, newsgroups, social networks or e-mail using the CCSS network that are not provided by CCSS. Any circumvention or violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension, expulsion, and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement. Teachers may request that students be allowed access to these technologies, but the request must be made to the teacher’s principal and then the principal request sent to the Director of Technology. Students that violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
Students should not alter copy, move or delete any files that belong to other people. Game, media or other files shall not be downloaded and installed on any CCSS computer system without the supervision and permission of CCSS staff.
While personal computers, electronic devices and digital storage media can be beneficial to the educational process, such items also have the capacity to become distractions and to convey material that is unsuitable for the school environment. Therefore, students may use personal computers, electronic devices and digital storage media only with the permission of a supervising CCSS staff member or approved CCSS representative for the duration of the project. A student may NOT use previously mentioned equipment on campus on their own accord. When brought onto school property, these devices are subject to search and may be confiscated pending review and students may be subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
Coffee County School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the technology resources it provides. The district will not be responsible for damages suffered by students in the use of technology resources including loss of data, interruption of services, and access to inappropriate content online.
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018 (pg 3)
It is the policy of Coffee County School System to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)] and Tennessee Department of Education requirements.
Coffee County Schools recognizes the importance of keeping children safe online. To address this issue, the district will provide the following:
Internet Training to Students
Internet safety training to students in K-12 is a part of their regular instruction. Resources will be provided to classroom teachers and instruction time will be allotted. Education about safe and appropriate online behavior will be integrated into the K-12 curriculum and instruction. Students need to learn how to avoid inappropriate content and unwanted contacts from strangers while online as well as appropriate behavior on social-networking and chat-room web sites and the dangers of cyber bullying and to learn about protecting personal information.
Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Coffee County School System staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Children's Internet Protection Act.
Evaluation and Review
The district will annually review its Internet safety program to make such adjustments as necessary. The Technology and Planning Committee will review and evaluate all aspects of the Internet Safety Policy and program annually and will recommend revisions as needed.
Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers and Staff in District
(1)Professional staff development will be provided in the following areas: Internet Safety in the Classroom, Curriculum Design, Internet Usage for Lesson Planning and Content, Usage of Digital Media and other appropriate technologies that will enhance or secure the learning environment of Coffee County Schools..
(2)Opportunities for faculty and staff to attend technology professional development workshops, conferences or other appropriate venues will be offered.
Our system will provide on-site, ongoing professional development for all faculty and staff, throughout the school year. This will be accomplished by scheduling in-service opportunities and after-school training to promote effective integration of technology in the classroom and library which will lead to student improvement and network security.
Assessment of the effectiveness of professional development will be measured by analyzing student achievement scores, classroom grades, teacher observations, and by sending periodic surveys to faculty and parents. A needs assessment will be conducted to sustain professional development activities that integrate technology effectively for the next school year.
Parental Involvement:
Student learning is maximized through familial or parental involvement in their schooling. However, family members may have very different levels of knowledge about instructional technology, and therefore varying capacity to become involved in a technology integrated learning process. Some parents do not understand the impact technology will have on their child's education as well as their child's post-high school employment prospects. In fact, many parents have a greater fear and misunderstanding of technology than do their daughters and sons. It is imperative to involve family members in the development of a school's technology plan and establish partnerships and include them in discussions and decisions. If parents are not involved, they may well oppose the plan based on fear rather than informed opinion.
The following are strategies that will be used in gaining parental involvement:
• Provide programs and/or speakers who can help parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders understand how important it will be in the future for their children to be competent in safe technology use.
• Focus efforts to diminish parents’ misconceptions, strengthen their technological awareness, and at the same time allow them to discover the potential of safe technology resources for their own uses.
• E-mail addresses of staff will be made available to parents and internet school sites will encourage communication between parents and teachers as well.
• Parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders will be invited to attend the same meetings and training on safe technology usage that are held for the staff. As all participants are empowered with knowledge, they become more committed. As parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders become better acquainted with teachers, they become more supportive.
Kathy Crabtree, Principal
5017 Old Manchester Highway
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388
Telephone (931) 455-9576
Facsimile (931) 455-3758
e-mail –
Fall, 2022
Please be advised of the following:
Hickerson Elementary School is eligible for Title I, Part A, and Title III services during the 2022-23 school year. Hickerson Elementary will continue as a Title I School-wide School during 2022-23.
Professional qualifications of the classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessionals at Hickerson Elementary School may be requested by any parent.
Parents of students at Hickerson Elementary School will receive notification if their child has a teacher for four or more weeks who does not meet state licensing and certification requirements for the grade and subject area assigned.
Surveys for research purposes shall be allowed by the Board when the project is viewed as contributory to a greater understanding of the teaching-learning process, the project does not violate the goals of the Board, and the disruption of the regular school program is minimal.
Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), an LEA must provide notice to parents of the types of student information that it releases publicly.
Parents have the right to access and jointly review/revise the Parent Involvement Policy and Plan, which can be located on the Coffee County Schools website. Questions and concerns can be directed to the Coffee County Schools office at 723-5150.
Tennessee law does not include an option to opt-out of state-mandated assessments.
Annual state and local assessment information can be found at the school district website,, under "Parent Info."
For information regarding your child’s school state Report Card, you may visit
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Mrs. Kathy Crabtree, Principal, at (931) 455-9576 or visit
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)rev.2018
Acknowledgement /Parent Permission Form
I (student name) __________________________ have read and agree to comply with the Coffee County School System Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and the removal of computer access privilege.
Student School _____________________________________________
Student Signature ___________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Permission
As a parent or legal guardian of the above student, I understand that the Coffee County School System provides my student with internet access and access to digital resources. I understand that CCSS has implemented technology protection measures, including filtering and monitoring, to prevent students from accessing inappropriate materials on the Internet, but that such measures may not be one hundred percent effective at all times, and it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial content. With this understanding, I grant permission for my student to access the Internet. I also understand that CCSS provides my student with robust digital resources for classroom instruction that have been found to meet the Federal Trade Commissions’ (FTC) regulations in regard to the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Some of these resources may require student login credentials, which I authorize at the teacher’s discretion. A list of district-approved websites can be found at the district’s website at under the COPPA heading. I understand that the CCSS AUP restrictions and guidelines are a necessary component in protecting my child from exposure to inappropriate materials and from participating in inappropriate activities. I understand that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and the removal of computer access privilege for my student.
Please circle your choice concerning the statement below:
My child can be featured in local broadcast and print media, on the school or school district website, on the school’s Twitter/Facebook pages, and in district publications and programs. Only a Photo and name will be given.
Yes | No
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________
Signature_____________________________ Date ______________________
Please read and discuss this handbook with your child. Your signature and your child’s signature below indicate that your child will adhere to all school and district policies.
____________________________________ Date: __________________
Student signature
____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent/ Guardian signature